What do NYC and Sun Valley, Idaho have in common? Both places receive high amounts of tourism from all over the world, require masks and in NYC vaccination cards are required to dine out or see a movie. Sun Valley and New York were the epicenter at the start of COVID in 2020 and these two destination places have yet to let go of the pandemic and get back to living. Forcing people to get vaccinated, to protect people that are already vaccinated against the disease and yet congress and the recent 1.7 million undocumented immigrants at the U.S. – Mexico border are exempt. Come on man!

New York recently moved to allow 800,000 Noncitizens to vote in local elections and Ketchum vows not to enforce federal immigration laws. 

On Monday, Mayor de Blasio did what Mayor de Blasio does best: made a splashy announcement that will do nothing to help the city he runs. The news that private businesses in the city will be forced to mandate vaccinations starting on Dec. 27, and indoor businesses will now have to check the vaccination cards of all kids over 5, was just the latest missile the mayor has lobbed at a once-thriving city. Also, if masks had worked this pandemic would have ended long ago.

Both New York City and Sun Valley are seeing a surge in people moving from blue states like New York and California where the pandemic, lockdowns and increased crime have led to red states like Idaho and Florida receiving record amounts of new residents.

Getting vaccinated is a choice and we’re now seeing the courts rule against Biden mandates. Here in Idaho, Governor Little came out strong against the mandates saying

“Yet another one of President Biden’s vaccine mandates has been temporarily shut down because the states – including Idaho – took a stand against his unprecedented government overreach into Americans’ lives and businesses. Idaho is party to three lawsuits challenging this assault on Americans’ freedom by their federal government – the federal contractor vaccine mandate, the OSHA vaccine mandate on private business, and the CMS vaccine mandate on healthcare workers. All three mandates are now completely stalled. We will continue to press forward in our fight against the federal government’s bad policies,” Governor Little said.

As we approach the holidays, two magical places this time of year New York City and Sun Valley, Idaho are now two destination places that have dramatically changed like the seasons.