Chris Burget and Kristin Currey Welcome You to Red United States

Red United States supports our military, law enforcement and first responders that protect our freedoms. We respect our flag, stand for law and order, strong borders, conservative values, energy independence and oppose government mandates. We started here at home in Mackay, Idaho with Red Idaho and our tag line of Safe, Wild and Free. We are pro second amendment supporters that love the outdoors, hunting, fishing, pristine waters and rugged places! Join the Red Wave coming to a state near you!

We support Conservative Candidates who fight for the constitutional rights of all Americans. We support the brave Law Enforcement and Military and Veterans who actively serve in all branches of the military as well as all veterans. We support the Second Amendment, our constitutional right to bear arms and protect ourselves, our property, and our loved ones. We support Border Security and the protection of American sovereignty.  We support and promote Hunting, Fishing. and shooting sports. We oppose government Mandates.